Meeting the Kids: What a difference four decades make! Widowed at 57, I never dreamed that I would ever find love again after losing my partner of almost 40 years. Then I met Tom, and will be walking down the aisle for the second time as a sixty-year-old bride.
Naturally, everything is completely different with this relationship and subsequent marriage. For one thing, I have gone from having no children to four grown children and seven grandchildren. And that brings us to the topic of this first entry in The Red Dress Diary, aptly named after the fact that I will be married in a red dress.
Meeting Tom's kids was terrifying. But being fearful was wasted energy. Within a few minutes of each introduction, I found myself feeling like I finally had what I always wanted--kids! And although there have been some adjustments to these and many other changes in my life, I feel that meeting and getting to know the kids has made me a better, more accepting person.
I discovered the secret in blending families is to just relax and enjoy the new and different personalities and relationships. I have to admit that the first time one of the girls asked if her son could call me "Mimi," I felt a bit uncomfortable. But that acceptance made me understand that whether we grow up with our family members or inherit them, we just need to accept and respect each other--despite the differences. I am already finding out that when acceptance comes first, love and understanding will just fall into place.
--Melinda (Mad Dog)
I am so excited for you! I am also excited about getting to meet Tom when we are all in LA for the LA Times Book Festival in April.
We will have to all go out and celebrate your happiness!.
Yea for you!!! Hmm, now what to get for a wedding present...hmmm
I have a friend that became a grandmother at an early age and
she didn't want to be called grandma, etc... Her solution?
Her twin granddaughters call her
"Honey". It's so cute to hear them holler "Honey--- can you fix me a piece of toast and put honey on it too!
Karen--the LA Times Book Festival will be great fun all the way around. I can't wait. Thanks for the comment! And wedding present? That brings up another topic about combining two households.When you are this age you don't need a thing!
Katrina--that is so funny!!! Thanks for reading and more will be coming.
My very best wishes to the bride to be. You've passed the biggest hurdle (meeting the family) with flying colors and how wonderful to have grown so close in such a short amount of time.
Thanks for letting us share in your secret diary. I'll be reading it with great interest and celebrating right along with you!
Thank you so much. I truly feel blessed to be able to celebrate love for the second time.
What a lovely and meaningful post. I wish you all the best! (and look forward to the next entry)
Regan, I appreciate your comments. Although I never dreamed I would be a bride at this point in my life, I am thrilled about it. It is so much fun writing about this,so thanks for staying tuned!
I'm looking forward to hearing more, Melinda!
Inspiring post, and so many well-wishers!
Mary, the issues older brides face are interesting, so I'll be journaling about everything from combining two households and maintaining the balance between old and new memories, to being a bargain bride!
Whoo-hoo, Melinda...
I'm so proud of you...and sooooo happy for you!
You're inspiration to us all...
Diana (d.d.dawg)
The support, love and acceptance of all my friends and family members has been fantastic. Thank you Diana.
Congratulations, Melinda! I enjoyed reading your blog entry and will have to mark my calendar to check in here on Fridays.
aka the Southern Half of Evelyn David
Thank you Rhonda. I am looking forward to a lot more fun with the diary entries.
I enjoyed reading your post, Melinda. Congratulations and best wishes. Looking forward to reading more as the time goes by.
Bev Nijhawan
Congratulations! I did the "Marriage: Second Time Around" in my late 40s and we are having the time of our lives! My husband's children are grown and they just see me as their dad's wife--no interaction at all. My daughter, on the other hand, has frequent contact with her step-dad and accepts the relationship.
You know, I actually wanted to wear red to my ceremony but I thought the minister might have a problem with the negligee :)
Keep us updated.
Thank you so much Bev!
That was so funny about the minister! My friend is already upset about me wearing the color red so I can imagine that outfit would kill her!
What a great attitude you have - it must have made everything so much easier for everyone involved.
And I love the red dress and the Red Dress Diary idea!
Thanks for stopping by the PopArtDiva™ Retro Baby Boomer Blog again!
What a great idea for a blog! I hope you are thinking about adapting your installments into something for publication!
Congrats and I look forward to meeting you next month in L.A.
Thanks Anne. There is much more to come!
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