...where every woman over 50 is TOP DOG!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

WOOF: Meryl Streep Spins Life Into Gold(en Globes)

Meryl Streep is far from being in her golden years! Or maybe she is and just knows how to spin life into gold.

Sunday night she won a Golden Globe for her role in "Julie and Julia," and in my most humble (but extremely accurate!) WOOFer opinion, deservedly so. (To read a previous post in honor of both Streep & Child, please click here!)

I admire this actress for many reasons. Now there's one more: the compassion and vulnerability she displayed when accepting the best actress award. In her speech, fifty-year-old Streep paid homage to her mother...and then turned thoughts to Haiti.

"I come to Golden Globes weekend and I am conflicted how to have my happy movie self in the face of everything I'm aware of in the real world, and that's when I have my mother's voice coming to me: Partners in Health, shoot some money to Partners In Health, and be damn grateful you have the dollars to help. And I am grateful. I'm really grateful."

This post is not a plea to support award shows, your mother or Partners in Health. Just a gentle reminder that every woman, regardless, struggles with the same issues. They may look a little different, but really they're not...

Please accept my award to each of you for your excellent work in playing the role of you!

--Diana (aka d.d. dawg)

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1 comment:

Eileen Williams said...

Yes, Meryl is amazing in many ways. Not only is she a gifted actress, she's a woman with her head on straight. Having reared four successful children and remained virtually out of the tabloids is a triumph in itself for those in the movie business.
And she looks wonderful without the aid of modern anti-aging nips and tucks, shots and fillers. Actually, at the risk of being a know-it-all pain, Meryl is even more amazing in that way because she's not fifty... she's sixty! (Born in June, 1949.)