The Scavenger Hunt is officially over! Winners announced tomorrow!
In honor of Halloween, WOOF is participating in the HALLOPALOOZA SCAVENGER HUNT!
To join in the fun, all you have to do is go to the Stiletto Gang Blog, and begin the hunt! We have clue # 23, but remember, you'll need to start at the beginning on the Stiletto Gang Blog in order to qualify for the grand prize - A $50.00 gift certificate good at any book store!
Now, here's the clue!
WOOF - Clue #23
"Dr. Trent, thank you for seeing me." Milla had arranged to meet the doctor at a small café near the clinic where he had offices. "I didn't think doctors worked on Sundays."
"Normally I don't, but my schedule was turned upside down with the murder investigation."
"How long have you and your wife been married?"
"Three years – almost."
"And what's your relationship with G. Winston Howard?" She'd asked him this question before at the mansion, but she suspected he'd been holding back.
"He's my wife's ex-husband."
Okay, she'd push a little harder. Time was running out. "I asked what your relationship was with him, not your wife's."
He sighed. "You know about the loan he gave me?"
Milla hadn't, but she nodded anyway. She'd suspected the two men had done business together, but she'd been thinking the doctor was an investor in one of G. Winston Howard's failed property development companies.
"I settled a malpractice case; my insurance didn't cover all of it. Winston loaned me the balance – only condition was I couldn't tell Diana where the money came from."
"Your wife really doesn't know?"
"No. She'd approached Winston through Carla about the matter several weeks ago. Carla passed on his negative response several days before the ball."
"Yet he eventually gave you the loan? Why?"
"I'm not sure. Saturday morning he just walked up and offered."
"Saturday morning? This Saturday?"
He nodded and Milla was left to wonder if that was what G. Winston Howard was doing when she first arrived at the crime scene. Had he called the police, called her, then broke out his checkbook? Why? Maybe Carla had lied to Diana just to yank her chain. Maybe G. Winston Howard had always intended to help his ex-wife.
'One more question – describe your costume – what did you wear to the Halloween Ball?"
"Green hospital scrubs." He blushed. "Not very original, I know."
No. not very original, Milla agreed. But the information was helpful. His scrubs were nothing like a black cape and witches' mask.
Next Clue (#24) Location - We're sending you back to the Stiletto Gang Blog
So, let the search begin!
The Scavenger Hunt begins 8 am ET, Friday, October 30.
It will end 5 pm ET, Sunday, November 1.
Winners will be announced at noon ET on Monday, November 2 at the Stiletto Gang blog site.
But, don't think WOOF is sending you out of here empty-handed. Simply post a comment on the WOOF blog to be eligible for our drawing!
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what better way to spend Halloween than with a ghost story? Happy Halloween!
This is fun! So many clues, too.
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
Thanks Chris V and Darcy O. Good luck with the Scavenger hunt! We'll announce the "Ghost Light" winners here on Monday!
Oh what wicked webs they weave ... bet they all live in suburbs.
PK the Bookeemonster
Getting very close...
edithmax at gmail
I need to so some serious thinking! I love all of these twists.
Twists, turns, dead ends. It's great!!
jbh307 at bellsouth dot net
Thanks for hosting a clue page. This is great fun.
Helen Kiker hdkiker@comcast.net
Women over 50—How powerful and fun is that?! I like it. The masks are about to come off and the killer will step forward…or backward in an attempt to run away. Hope the cops slap the cuffs on her or him soon. Thanks for your participation in Hallopalooza!
I am having a blast trying to figure this out. anpichette@gmail.com
How spooky, suspenseful, and FUN!
What a great way for WOOFers to celebrate Halloween and, better than candy, it's calorie free!
This is a great idea! I love scavenger hunts!
Cool Woofer blog, too. I'll stop by often.
I'm FINALLY starting to narrow things down. Sort-of.
I qualify as a woman over 50 and the "hat and gloves" picture brought back memories of oh so many "Easter Sunday" pictures of me and my sister dressed in our new outfits, complete with patent leather shoes, gloves and hats - the snow on the ground most years added the perfect touch.
Almost finished and still no idea....but lots of guesses going around in my head :-)
What a fun day!!! Thanks!
how fun to find great new grogs like this!
Hope this becomes an annual party.
I'm glad Milla seems to know what she's searching for. I sure don't. But I guess that's the fun of a good mystery!
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