...where every woman over 50 is TOP DOG!

Friday, December 23, 2011

WOOF: Furry Friends Friday - Christmas Dogs

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
from the WOOFers!

WOOF is proud to promote pet adoptions and rescues,
but remember:
Pets are not just for Christmas; they're forever.

WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty
For your holiday reading!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

WOOF: What's a Successful Woman's Secret?

“The successful woman has a secret. She's learned that she owes it to herself, her children, and the world to make the contribution she was born to make. She's learned to ask for advice and help, to insist on getting paid what she's worth, and to set boundaries at work and at home so that her needs get met, not trampled. She puts her dreams at the top of her priorities list, not at the bottom. She feels great about being recognized for her accomplishments, and she's totally OK with the fact that not everyone is going to like her when she stands up to those who would discount her or put her down.”

 Debra Condren Ph.D., business psychologist, motivational speaker, executive coach and career adviser is not a WOOFer yet, but her words are very wise!

WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty Amazon  OmniLit