Extra Grandma Older second marriages can be confusing to young children. They often don't understand the new relationship and how that person fits into the family, particularly when similiar relationships already exist.
This past Christmas we visited Tom's son and his family, including six-year-old Ajay. Tom's grandson told me that he knew his "Grandma" was "My Mommy's Mommy," and that "Oma" was his Dad's Mother (Tom's ex-wife).
Ajay studied me carefully, quite perplexed at first, like he was trying to figure out where to put me and what to call this woman his Grandpa was going to marry. With a big sigh of relief, he grinned and proclaimed, "So you are Extra Grandma!"
This past Christmas we visited Tom's son and his family, including six-year-old Ajay. Tom's grandson told me that he knew his "Grandma" was "My Mommy's Mommy," and that "Oma" was his Dad's Mother (Tom's ex-wife).
Ajay studied me carefully, quite perplexed at first, like he was trying to figure out where to put me and what to call this woman his Grandpa was going to marry. With a big sigh of relief, he grinned and proclaimed, "So you are Extra Grandma!"
Works for me!!
--Melinda (Mad Dog)
For Melinda Musings pre-engagement, check out WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty (Echelon Press)
Don't you just love the innocence of children and what comes out of their mouths? I'm still smiling at that one and I know you'll make the very best "extra grandma" on the planet!
You're so right, Eileen...Out of the mouths of babes!
I mean children "babes." Well, we WOOFer babes come up with some pretty good come backs too!
Eileen and Diana--Yes I do love those innocent comments! They are so adorable.
I love this story! Eileen, couldn't have said it better.
Melinda, you'll now be MD, and EG!
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