...where every woman over 50 is TOP DOG!

Friday, April 22, 2011

WOOF: Dog Tails - Pancho and the Remote

Continuing WOOF's series, Dog Tails, with Regan Black:

My husband, Mark, came home from work with that weary, don't-want-to-talk-about-it expression. After the perfunctory greetings and a pat on the head of each greyhound, he went straight for the family room.

"Where's the remote?" he called from his favorite end of the couch.

"Should be there," I called back from the kitchen. Assuming of course the last person to use it had returned it to the basket to keep it out of reach of our youngest and most curious foster greyhound.

A search ensued while the greyhounds watched, each hoping for a different result. Faith wanted him to sit back so she could put her head under his hand, Brody wanted dinner early, and the foster greyhound Poncho wanted to play.

But Mark was focused on one thing - the TV. Knowing the channel he wanted, he still grumbled over the remote. He called to the kids, but neither the seven year old nor the four year old had seen it. Both denied any involvement in it's disappearance.

Poncho followed the four year old back to his Hot Wheels racetrack and giggles ensued. Brody nudged at the seven year old until I nodded for her to go ahead and feed them all.

And Mark continued searching.

"Here it is!" Mark's triumphant shout nearly made me drop the casserole dish on its way to the oven.

He thundered down the stairs, bellowing for the kids to report. "They always drag it off," he complained. "I've told them it won't work up there."

Nodding, I asked where he found it.

"Guest room."

"Let me see it."

I could see Mark warming up his 'return things to their rightful place speech' when I pointed out the teethmarks on the corner of the remote.

"Our kids are way past teething, honey."


"Look at it." I handed it back, laughing as he sighed.


"Yup." From the moment of his arrival, the greyhound had been stealthy about tasting and testing everything in the world of retirement.

Mark looked down into Poncho's smiling face and held the remote close to his chest. The long tail wagged hopefully, but Mark shook his head. "Mine."

Poncho's smile faded and the tail slowed for a moment. Then Mark rubbed his ears and led our small pack of greyhounds back to the couch for TV and snuggling before dinner.

Thanks for your Dog Tail, Regan!

Regan Black is a paranormal romance writer


Regan Black

For more Great Dog Tails, BUY WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty!

Submission guidelines for:
"Dog Tails:
Stories About Women & Their Best Tail-Wagging Friends”

How to tell your story:
Whether your special canine buddy is still with you or not, we’re looking for nonfiction stories told in first person with action, dialogue and an emotional pivotal ending. Make readers laugh, cry, get chills!

How not to tell your story:
Stories should not be political in nature or preachy. We want original, unpublished stories that are 400 words or less.

How to submit your story:
A Word document e-mailed to GreatDames@WoofersClub.com

(Remember to save a copy for yourself!)

How to submit your picture:

Jpeg or Gif submitted to GreatDames@WoofersClub.com


Regan Black said...

Thanks Mary and Diana for creating the Dog Tails series and for letting me share!


Mary Cunningham said...

You're so welcome, Regan.

Thanks you and Pancho for the great Dog Tail!