WOOF kicks off our series, Dog Tails with one of our favorite WOOFers, Shelly Murphy.
“You call that a watchdog?” Our neighbor out walking his Doberman teased, when he saw my new Peekapoo puppy. The tiny white ball of fluff was a Christmas surprise from my husband that morning.
Bridget was a sweetie and everyone loved her. I recall only one mean thing she ever did: as a puppy she chewed up our daughter Laurie’s new stuffed kitten made of rabbit fur. She was a good house pet since she minded well and was easy to train. She loved to be groomed with colorful bows over each ear. Though Bridget accepted our friends, a ringing doorbell or stranger would send her into a barking frenzy.
Years later, two weeks before Laurie was to receive her master’s degree from Vanderbilt, she drove to Oxford, Mississippi, where we lived to attend her great aunt’s funeral. When she was about to leave she asked, “Can I take Bridget back to Nashville with me? Y’all can pick her up when you come for graduation.” Laurie and Holly lived in one of three apartments in an old house near campus. Since she was adamant, I let her take the dog.
Four days later the phone rang at the crack of dawn. Near tears, Laurie said, “Mom, I’m o.k. Bridget saved my life. Last night Holly was at a friend’s house and I was sleeping when Bridget woke me up growling and barking. Through my doorway I saw a man’s silhouette in our kitchen! When I screamed, he ran back through Holly’s bedroom and climbed out her window.” Cold chills ran down my spine.
The police came with dogs, convinced it was a rapist when they found Holly’s nightgown tied in knots. Since the invader left his windbreaker, the dogs traced his scent over and down several blocks to a vacant house where some men who were in prison once lived. According to the police, within the past couple of years two older women had been raped and murdered in that area. To our knowledge they never caught the culprit.
Bridget sat on my lap all the way back home. With tears in my eyes, I thanked God again for using this little creature to save our daughter’s life. Hugging her tightly, I whispered in her ear, “You’re the best watchdog anyone ever had—and the reason you’ll forever be our favorite dog.”
Shelly Murphy is a WOOFer, writer, master gardener, member of the Carrollton Creative Writers Club and one of the funniest storytellers we know!
For more Great Dog Tails, BUY WOOF: Women Only Over Fifty!
Submission guidelines for:
"Dog Tails:
Stories About Women & Their Best Tail-Wagging Friends”
How to tell your story:
Whether your special canine buddy is still with you or not, we’re looking for nonfiction stories told in first person with action, dialogue and an emotional pivotal ending. Make readers laugh, cry, get chills!
How not to tell your story:
Stories should not be political in nature or preachy. We want original, unpublished stories that are 400 words or less.
How to submit your story:
A Word document e-mailed to GreatDames@WoofersClub.com
How to submit your picture:
Jpeg or Gif submitted to GreatDames@WoofersClub.com