...where every woman over 50 is TOP DOG!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Frankie Had A Birthday!

Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Dog, just had another birthday. She turned 11 and her mom is, well, let's just say Barbara Techel notes that she and Frankie are going through peri-menopause together.

For those of you who don't know about this amazing pooch and her equally amazing mom, when Frankie, suffered a spinal injury, Barbara had her custom-fitted for a wheelchair. Frankie persevered, and Barbara realized the beautiful opportunity she had to share Frankie and give others hope and inspiration to be the best they can be. Along with sharing Frankie’s story with children, Barbara and Frankie routinely volunteer as a therapy dog team at local hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice centers, spreading joy wherever they go.

Barbara had no idea that Frankie would become such an inspiration to her and to others until the sweet little dachshund ruptured a disk in her back and became paralyzed. But, that didn't slow Frankie down! She zips along in her cart inspiring others to look past what you can't do and focus on what you can!

Roll on, Frankie!

WOOF hopes you'll be inspired by Frankie's story and wish her a happy birthday!

Learn more about Frankie and pets with disasbilities:

Joyful Paws
Joyful Paws Blog
Frankie's Blog

For more Women Only Over Fifty thoughts & stories:

WOOF available through Amazon and Echelon Press!

Accentuate The Pawsitive!

Friday, August 20, 2010

WOOF Financial Friday & Landing The Job You Love!

It's Financial Friday here on the WOOF blog...

How many of us thought by the time we reached 50, our money worries would be over?

There are lots of reasons we are where we are. This post, however, will not address the political aspects of economic woes. (And please, anyone who leaves a comment, avoid that discussion!)

What is intended is to offer a little help to WOOFers who are unemployed or seeking a new line of work. Eileen Williams' Land the Job You Love: 10 Surefire Strategies for Jobseekers Over 50 has just been re-released with even more info to give you an edge when applying for that much-needed job.

Please visit http://landthejobyoulove.com to learn more!

For Women Only Over Fifty thoughts & stories:
WOOF available through Amazon and Echelon Press!
Accentuate The Pawsitive!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Julia Rogers Hamrick & "Easy World"!

WOOF's guest is visionary author Julia Rogers Hamrick!

As a fabulous over-fifty woman, have you wondered, as the decades have passed and you've still not totally achieved the peace, prosperity and fulfillment you've been diligently seeking and sometimes, even chasing, "What am I missing?"

If you're like the wonderful, passionate women I know, you've studied, you've practiced, you've worked hard, you've sacrificed, you've accomplished a lot, you've been very, very "good"—and still, you haven't quite managed to get everything lined up so that you feel you've attained what you've been after.

Here is a startling thought: What if the problem is that you've been looking for life's treasures—Love, joy, peace, abundance, fulfillment—in a reality where they simply do not exist?

That's what most, if not all, of us have been doing! We've been looking for our heart's desires in what I've dubbed "Difficult World" when, instead, they can only be found in "Easy World"! The happy news is that they absolutely can be found in Easy World and it's time for us to find them there.

Easy World. Let that in. Breathe deeply of it. Feel the energy behind the words. Doesn't it feel familiar? And right?

If you've ever had the sense that your life is unnecessarily complicated, and more than a little frustrating at times, it's because you've been spending the bulk of your time in Difficult World. Instead of explaining what Difficult World is, I'm going to tell you about Easy World—I suspect you already have a high degree of familiarity with Difficult World!

Easy World is the original reality matrix provided by the "Divine Designer" (and no, I'm NOT talking about Candice Olson, as amazing as she is!) in which universal forces are always working together to support your total well-being. Your origins are there, though the amnesia brought on by being in Difficult World may have caused you to forget it.

In Easy World, everything you could possibly need and desire is supplied for you, freely and effortlessly. All you have to do to claim it is to be there.

Naturally, this begs the question, "How do I get to Easy World?" The loving intelligence that maintains Easy World has shown me the way and has asked me to show you. So here's what you do: You say the magic words "I choose to live in Easy World where everything is easy," and then you take some very simple actions: you breathe…relax…allow…and enjoy. And then watch the magic unfold!

That's really all there is to entering the reality where you were designed to thrive and where all life's treasures are awaiting you. But in order for you to experience your needs being taken care of and that which you desire manifesting, you need to remain in the relaxed, allowing state and therein lies rub: How do you do that? Helping you understand and master that—with ease—is my mission.

For an abundance of free Easy World information, please visit my web site devoted to teaching you about Easy World, http://www.iliveineasyworld.com/. To learn about my new book, Choosing Easy World: A Guide to Opting Out of Struggle and Strife and Living in the Amazing Realm Where Everything is Easy, visit http://www.choosingeasyworld.com/.

I'll be looking for your fabulous, radiant, fulfilled Self in Easy World!

-- Julia Rogers Hamrick

For more Women Only Over Fifty thoughts & stories:
WOOF available through Amazon and Echelon Press!
Accentuate The Pawsitive!